The US State Department warned companies about the risk of participation in the “Nord Stream 2”

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The US State Department confirmed that it had warned companies about the risk of sanctions for participation in the Nord Stream 2 project. In an interview with TASS, this was announced by a representative of the American Foreign Ministry on Thursday, January 14.

According to him, the State Department appealed to the companies and announced the adoption of additional sanctions under the law on ensuring energy security of Europe within the framework of the defense budget for fiscal 2021, which began on October 1, 2020, and the risk of sanctions for continuing ties with the Nord Stream 2 project “.

On January 13, information appeared that the US State Department had warned a number of European companies, which, according to the US department, are helping in the construction of Nord Stream 2, about the possible risk of sanctions against them by Washington.

In response, Oleg Tyapkin, Director of the Third European Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said that Moscow was confident in the implementation of the project to build the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, despite pressure from Washington.

At the end of December, Nord Stream 2 AG, using the Fortuna pipelayer, completed the laying of one of two unfinished sections of the gas pipeline in German waters.

Nord Stream 2 is being built from Russia to the Federal Republic of Germany along the bottom of the Baltic Sea with the aim of direct and reliable gas supplies to Europe. The EU countries mainly support the project and participate in its implementation. The USA, the Baltic states, Poland and Ukraine are against.

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