The Minister of Health of the Astrakhan region told how problems with the work of an ambulance will be solved

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More teams, an additional department and other ways to speed up the work of the “ambulance”

The Minister of Health of the Astrakhan Region, Alexey Spirin, during his first press conference with representatives of the regional media, told about many exciting issues: about the statistics, the reasons for his absence, about the construction of a new infectious diseases hospital. Another important topic was the discussion of the current work of emergency medical care and ways to increase the productivity of teams.

The minister acknowledged that there really is a problem, and it needs to be solved quickly and efficiently. One of the reasons Spirin cites is the fact that during the summer holidays only 35 brigades work in Astrakhan instead of the usual 55.

At the same time, according to the minister, “ungodly” brigades arrive to the call in 20 minutes, which is somewhat different from the appeals of citizens waiting for the arrival of an ambulance for several hours. “Kovidnye” brigades arrive at the site much later, since each car after each trip is thoroughly disinfected for an hour and a half.

To this end, the logistics of delivering patients to hospitals is being restructured. Starting from August 15, an additional admission and triage department will open at the Aleksandrovskaya hospital, which will reduce the time it takes to process medical calls, as well as speed up the work of ambulance workers directly at the polling stations. If initially the processing of a call to the COVID was up to 12 hours, then after the opening of another reception office, calls will be processed a little more than two hours.

Also, the ambulance station will receive 20 class B and C cars, and 10 ambulance vehicles will be transferred to the ambulances at the polyclinics.

Among other things, Alexey Spirin asked Astrakhan residents, in the absence of obvious symptoms of the disease, to contact the clinic, where emergency care is also provided. In this case, the load on ambulance teams will be significantly reduced.

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