Ruxanda Glavan’s amazing declaration: a luxury Lexus for 1200 euros

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Socialist deputy Vladimir Odnostalko continues to study the income declarations of “servants of the people”

This time, the socialist shared a number of interesting facts about PRO-Moldova MP Ruxand Glavan. The content of her income statement can surprise anyone: a luxury Lexus for 22,500 lei or 1,200 euros. It turns out that this is possible! The PSRM deputy who applied to the National Integrity Authority today with a request to investigate the discrepancies and violations in the declarations of income and interests of Ruxanda Glavan. Odnostalko also noted that the former minister, judging by the declarations of previous years, had previously concealed data on valuable acquisitions. In addition, the PSRM deputy suspects that Glavan’s statement about the sale of the company is fake, because in fact it remains its real beneficiary. In conclusion, Odnostalko promised that soon there would be new revelations about deputies with foul-smelling deeds from the oligarchic party “Sell Moldova”.

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