Neuropsychologist lists mood-lifting foods

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In an interview with Radio Sputnik, neuropsychologist Irina Khvingia noted that food not only helps to increase mood, but can also have the opposite effect.

Bananas and chocolate are well-known “optimistic” foods. According to the doctor, the iodine contained in fatty fish also helps to improve overall tone and increase concentration.

Seaweed is very useful in this regard: “It contains the whole spectrum of vitamins that are responsible for the work of the adrenal glands, and those, in turn, affect the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine, and they set tone and maintain efficiency.”

Another product is walnuts or pistachio nuts.

But energy drinks are not mood assistants. One can contains a dose of taurine equal to ten cups of coffee. It helps the brain to strengthen, but not for long. Over time, the condition will become worse than it was before the drink.

We will remind, earlier we told that in the fall in Russia they forecast a more severe course of COVID-19.

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