During the holidays, skiers came to the emergency rooms of Sakhalin every day

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On New Year’s holidays, skiers and snowboarders were received daily at the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk trauma center. In 11 days, 794 residents applied there. This was reported in the regional government.

The head of the trauma center of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Alexander Taryshkin, noted that extreme sports and ice are the traditional causes of injuries in winter. At the same time, he added that from 10 to 20 skiers asked for help a day, and from 50 to 130 people for other reasons.

A resident of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Vladimir Antonyuk fell from the icy steps. He himself admitted that he admired the city. The fall brought the man to the operating table with a fractured ankle.

By the way, this year for the first time there were no serious injuries from the use of pyrotechnics.

The ambulance also did not sit idle. 60 medical teams worked in the region every day. They went out on 6,843 calls.

Patients with signs of ARVI were admitted to polyclinics. In total, over 10 thousand islanders received medical assistance during the New Year holidays.

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