Changing the boundaries of one of the natural monuments canceled in Primorye

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In the Primorsky Territory, the procedure for changing the boundaries of the natural monument of regional significance “Liman of the Razdolnaya River” was stopped. This was reported by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.

On Tuesday, December 22, the department received an application to withdraw materials to adjust the boundaries of the natural monument. It was filed by the entrepreneur who initiated this procedure, writes IA PrimaMedia.

According to the agency, in November the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Territory held public consultations on changing the boundaries of the protected area “Liman of the Razdolnaya River”. The corresponding initiative collected 812 responses in its support, 105 respondents opposed the survey.

The proposal to change the boundaries appeared after the adoption of the regional law “On Specially Protected Natural Areas” in the new edition “. He allowed to make adjustments to the boundaries of protected objects, approved in Soviet times. After the adoption of the law, an investor appeared who wanted to use part of the territory for mariculture farming (cultivation of algae, mollusks and other aquatic organisms. – Ed.)

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