Biden administration puts Hispanics in the spotlight

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Bust of César Chávez in the Oval Office, Jennifer Lopez featured at investiture ceremony, Spanish returns to White House website: Biden presidency marks the start of a new era for Latinos in the States -United.

A bronze bust of Mexican-American civil rights activist César Chávez now sits in the Oval Office, amid family photos of Joe Biden, a symbol much noticed by the Hispanic press.

Mr. Chávez, who died in 1993, is known for the peasant struggles he waged in the 1960s in California.

The Democratic president is increasing attention to the Hispanic community, which represents 18% of the American population, the largest ethnic minority in the country.

Star artist, alongside the star Lady Gaga, of the inauguration ceremony of Joe Biden, the latina diva Jennifer Lopez had caused a sensation by punctuating her musical interpretation with a message in Spanish.

“A nation under the authority of God, indivisible, with unity and justice for all! », Exclaimed the New York singer of Puerto Rican origin.

A few hours later, the arrival of Joe Biden at the helm of power signed the return of the Spanish version of the White House website, abandoned during the Trump presidency.

” Opening “

Symbolic gestures are also accompanied by concrete measures.

From the first day of his mandate, the new American president signed a series of decrees, including one ordering the suspension of the construction of a wall on the Mexican border, flagship project of his predecessor Donald Trump and symbol of his policy. controversial fight against illegal immigration, mainly Latin American.

Other measures also include a 100-day moratorium on most expulsions of migrants.

These decisions are only the beginnings of a vast migratory reform wanted by the Biden administration aimed at regularizing the status of 11 million undocumented migrants currently in the United States, including 5 million Mexican immigrants and two million coming from Central America.

The attitude of the Democratic president shows an “openness” towards the Latinos, who have given him strong electoral support, explains to AFP Arturo Vargas, director of NALEO, a non-governmental organization which promotes the political participation of Hispanics.

Of the 20 million Hispanic voters who voted in the November 3 presidential election, nearly 70% voted in favor of Joe Biden, and only a third slipped a ballot for Donald Trump.


The action of the Biden administration is also a sign of a “recognition of the daily contribution” of Latinos “to the progress of the country”, according to Clarissa Martinez, vice-president of UnidoUS, principal association of defense of the rights of Hispanics in the United States. United States.

“It is particularly important for this community which has been the victim of strong demonization over the past four years,” she underlines.

The Democratic administration will have, if confirmed by the Senate, three members of Hispanic origin, a record.

Xavier Becerra, whose mother is of Mexican descent, has been appointed Minister of Health by Mr. Biden, Cuba-born Alejandro Mayorkas will be the first Hispanic to head the Department of Homeland Security, while Miguel Cardona, of Puerto Rican origin, will head the Ministry of Education.

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