A new microdistrict with a school and two kindergartens will appear in Astrakhan

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And also the issue of emergency housing will be resolved

A regular meeting of the regional government with Governor Igor Babushkin was held in Astrakhan. The main topic for discussion was the implementation of national projects in the region.

The head paid special attention to the construction of housing and socially significant facilities, and also instructed to accelerate the pace of resettlement of needy Astrakhan residents from emergency housing. Fulfillment of the target indicators is the task that the authorities must fulfill until 2025.

In response to this, the Minister of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Astrakhan Region, Alexander Ivannikov, announced the pace of construction of new real estate. So, by 2024, construction will be completed in the region and more than three million square meters will be commissioned. meters of living quarters. A new microdistrict “Teply” will appear on the Nachalovskoe highway, on the territory of which two kindergartens and a school will be located. The resettlement of residents of dilapidated houses is also proceeding according to plan – by 2025, 38 thousand square meters will be relocated. meters of such housing, which is home to 2750 Astrakhan residents. Among other things, one of the projects “Comfortable Urban Environment” will seriously address the issue of the improvement of public and courtyard areas.

The heads of other departments also reported on their industries: social development, education and science, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Sports of the Astrakhan region, in particular on the implementation of the national project “Demography”. A lot was done, but by no means all allocated funds were fully utilized: there were no necessary contracts for the construction of facilities or major changes were made to plans, whether it was a transfer of a construction site, an amendment of contracts or unscrupulous contractors who were poorly performing their work or not performing it absolutely. Despite this, the funds went to families for IVF procedures and the birth of children, for creating new places in kindergartens and supporting the elderly, improving the health system and promoting a healthy lifestyle and sports.

Igor Babushkin noted that all responsibility for the implementation of national projects rests directly with the heads of the regional ministries. The quality of the work is what first of all should concern them.

Alexei Spirin, Minister of Health, shared his plans on how to reduce the death rate of residents in the region. This affected the organization of a new format of ambulance work. With the right logistics, doctors will be able to keep up with calls to critically ill patients. In addition, equipment for the early diagnosis of oncological diseases has already been purchased, and at least 10 rooms will be opened to provide oncological care in the districts of the Astrakhan region.

The head of the region urged to speed up work in all areas and report on the results by the next government meeting.

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