Modernization of the Kostromskaya GRES will improve the environmental situation in the region

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By admin

The recently signed agreement on cooperation between the administration of the Kostroma region and the company PJSC “Inter RAO” has another essential aspect – environmental. It consists in the fact that in the course of the general modernization of the enterprise, a separate line of the gas pipeline will be connected to the Kostromskaya SDPP, which will allow the Volgorechye power engineers to abandon the use (and long-term storage in large volumes) of fuel oil as a reserve fuel.

The liquidation of the fuel oil economy (this is a completely official term) will reduce to zero the possibility of environmental troubles associated with oil spills (as it happened recently in the Murmansk region) – if there are simply no oil storage facilities, then there is simply nothing to spill and get out of control.

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