Why Do You Need Promotional Text Messaging Solutions?

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By Marilyn Royce

If you are starting a business, you might do fine for yourself doing everything manually for a while but reaching a certain threshold of popularity and customer base can leave you struggling to market your brand effectively. This article explains why even a promo text messaging service is vital to retaining and growing your clientele.

Your Messaging Can Be Automated

One of the most basic benefits of promotional text messages is that you can automate it. At its most basic implementation, you could spend a single day writing up special promotions for dependable events like election day, holidays, spring break, winter break, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, et cetera. Once all of your messaging is written up, you can set things up so that the text messages reach your customers on a given date and then change your focus to other elements of running your business.

Your Messages Can Reach and Will Be Read by Customers in Moments

A text message reaches its customers moments after it goes live. This means that you can market your company’s special products, promotions, and offerings quickly. Reliability matters in advertising; why send a circular in the mail or a promotional e-mail when it could take hours or even days before a given customer checks their inbox or mailbox to see it? 

Furthermore, it is much easier to delete an e-mail without opening it or toss a promotional circular into the trash than to avoid seeing a promotional SMS. Over 98% of all SMS campaigns are read by people due to how critical mobile devices are to modern living.

You Can Boost Engagement with Special SMS Promotions

One way of encouraging new customers is to offer special discounts by signing up for your newsletter and SMS campaigns. Because a customer cannot receive your SMS messaging without giving it a number to receive promotions, tossing in a code for 10%-25% off their purchase in exchange for handing over the information usually encourages new people to sign up.

Text Messaging is More Personal

Text messaging has now surpassed the phone call when it comes to how people prefer to communicate with each other, and this trend is likely to bleed into business communications in short order. Your messaging should reflect that personal touch since you are marketing to a customer’s personal channel. Far more people will read text messages than engage with social media posts.

The best approach with your campaigns is to craft every message like a dialogue. Feel free to involve photos or emojis in your texts, and respect the trust your customers show in offering you their phone number or e-mail.

SMS Is The New Norm in Promotions

Today, SMS campaigns have become as crucial to running a business as e-mail was to businesses in the ’90s. Both technologies have been coopted by businesses to send a message to a large audience in a quick amount of time. In short, SMS is a way for you to connect with customers on their terms, not the other way around. While the benefits of SMS promotions are obvious, there are some obvious bullet points to bear in mind.

  • Keep your messaging short and succinct.
  • Be mindful of any guidelines established by governments and wireless carriers.
  • Keep all calls to action clear and free of confusion.

The Final Notice

As you can now see, there are several reasons why it is worth investing in a firm that can give you the best return on a quality solution to SMS campaigning. Automation means you barely need to put any effort into time-sensitive promotions and remarks. 

You can fire off your messaging in just seconds through a far more visible and read medium than signage or mail, be it analogue or digital. You can encourage the recruitment of new customers by offering special promotion codes. Lastly, SMS is a more personable medium by design. That specific quality has also helped make it the new standard in promotion for any given business or brand.