WHO notes growing CORONA fatigue in Europe

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The World Health Organization (WHO) is seeing growing corona fatigue among the population of Europe. In some countries, 60 percent of citizens are “tired” of the protective measures taken by the virus, Said Hans Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe. He urged governments to work with the public to find “new and innovative” ways to step up the fight against the virus.

Kluge testified to the citizens of Europe that they have made “great sacrifices” in recent months to bring the spread of the coronavirus under control. It is clear that a kind of “apathy” has now spread.

As an example of wider public participation in the Corona consultation, Kluge cited the Danish community, which consulted with students about the restrictions that allow them to continue to attend university. Ankara used online media to find out more about the mood of the people, while Berlin “consulted with philosophers, historians, theologians, behaviorists and sociologists.”

More than 6.2 million cases of coronary infection and almost 241,000 deaths have been reported in 53 European countries, according to WHO. Many countries are now grappling with a second wave of infections.

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