Experts from the World Health Organization named the age of children from which it is allowed to wear protective masks.
Teenagers over 12 years of age can wear personal protective equipment under the same conditions as adults. This is the conclusion reached by experts from WHO and the United Nations Children’s Fund. The need to wear masks for children under this age depends on several circumstances.
“If a child from 6 to 11 years old already knows how to safely and correctly wear a mask, then you can wear it,” the WHO said in a published message. – You should also take into account the possible impact of wearing a mask on learning and psychosocial development, the risk of transmission of COVID-19 in the area of residence. Adults should be shown how to properly wear masks and supervise children.
Experts do not recommend forcing children under 5 to wear masks. Instead, frequent hand washing should be encouraged.
Note that in the Volgograd region the mask regime continues to operate. More on changing restrictive measures previously wrote “MK in Volgograd”.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, 11,190 cases of COVID-19 have been reported in the region. Now 3507 people are in treatment with confirmed coronavirus, including 198 children.