Where young Volgograd residents can learn the basics of aviation

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The younger generation can learn the basics of aviation in the municipal institution of additional education, the Kachinets Center named after V. A. Shatalov. Previously, the organization was called the club of young pilots and cosmonauts and was organized at the Kachin military school. This year the organization celebrated its 55th anniversary, and those who continue to work with children here try to maintain the traditions of the legendary Kachi.

At present, almost 300 children are engaged in the center. The training takes place in different directions – the Young Army soldier, drill and physical training, avidomodelling and initial flight training. There are six associations in total.

According to the director of the center, Vitaly Sakharov, in the “Yunarmeets” circle, children study weapons, assemble and disassemble machine guns, drill, throw grenades, and also go to the fields in warm weather.

Children from 14 to 17 years old are engaged in the parachute association. The program is designed for 2 years. Teenagers first practice the elements of a parachute jump with the help of ground simulators, and then, after thorough theoretical and practical training, they try themselves in business.

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