What will change in the life of Russians from August 1

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In August, for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, regular international passenger flights will resume in Russia – so far only from three cities of the country and in five directions. It will be possible to fly to the UK, Turkey and Tanzania from Moscow, St. Petersburg and Rostov-on-Don. In addition, the ban on the anonymous replenishment of Internet wallets for individuals will come into force – now it will be possible to do this only by passing identification or using a bank account. It is also planned to change the principles of calculating the cost of the CMTPL policy, and employees who have fallen under the redundancies will be able to count on additional compensation from employers. More details about these and other innovations can be found in the traditional Izvestia review.

Recalculation of pensions for working pensioners

From the beginning of the month, the Pension Fund will carry out the traditional recalculation of pensions for working pensioners. Payments will be adjusted to reflect the insurance premiums received from their salaries.

The procedure is carried out every year without a request – that is, the amount of payments to the FIU should be recalculated automatically.

Pensions are increased annually by no more than three pension points. This year, the cost of one point is 93 rubles, that is, the maximum increase in payment will be 279 rubles. In total, in 2019 there were about 14 million working pensioners, the amount of a fixed monthly payment for them is 5.6 thousand rubles.

Also, from August 1, the funded pension will also grow – it will increase by 9.13%, the increase will affect 80 thousand pensioners. Payments received by participants in the co-financing program for pension savings in the form of urgent payments (this is the name of the format in which the pension is paid in a period determined by the person himself) will grow by 7.99%. The recalculation will affect about 32 thousand more people.

The funded pension is paid in addition to the basic insurance benefit. The national average monthly payment is about 956 rubles a month, according to the Pension Fund earlier.


Photo: RIA Novosti / Evgeny Epanchintsev

Submission of tax returns

The deadline for submitting tax returns for 2019 will also expire on August 1. Usually, declarations can be submitted until the end of spring, but this year this deadline was extended due to restrictive measures introduced against the background of the coronavirus – it was possible to submit declarations until July 30.

In most cases, personal income tax is calculated automatically. Those who are not engaged in private practice and are not registered as an individual entrepreneur need to submit it only in some cases. For example, if a taxpayer during this financial year sold housing that had been owned for less than three years, received a gift of real estate, vehicles or other property, won the lottery, or received income from sources outside the Russian Federation. A complete list can be found on the FTS website.

Deputies and officials of all levels must declare their incomes.

It was possible to submit declarations online, in the personal account of the taxpayer on the website of the Federal Tax Service and in some regions through the MFC.


Photo: Izvestia / Dmitry Korotaev

Ban on anonymous replenishment of electronic wallets

On August 3, amendments to the federal law “On the National Payment System” and “On the Central Bank”, adopted a year ago, come into force, which introduce a ban on anonymous replenishment of electronic wallets for individuals.

Now you can do this either using your own bank account or by going through personal identification.

Earlier, the developers of the initiative stated that in this way it is planned to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.


Photo: TASS / Kirill Kukhmar

Payments to those who got cut

Additional protection from the middle of the month should be received by those who lose their jobs due to staff reductions or the complete liquidation of the organization.

Anyone who has worked in the company for more than a month, the employer in this case will have to pay the average monthly earnings for the second month from the date of dismissal or part of it “in proportion to the period of employment that month,” according to the State Duma website.

Payments must be made prior to liquidation of the organization.

The norm comes into force on 13 August.


Photo: Izvestia / Tatiana Polevaya

Rising gas prices

Natural gas prices will rise from August. Increase – it will be 3% – targeted at wholesalers, but will also affect ordinary consumers. This follows from the order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, published on July 10.

“Wholesale gas prices approved by this order are taken into account when forming gas prices for consumers,” the document says.

Initially, it was planned that the increase (it is made annually) will occur in early July, but in the end it was decided to postpone the indexation for a month.


Photo: RIA Novosti / Evgeny Biyatov

When calculating the cost of the MTPL policy, traffic violations will be taken into account

At the end of the month, amendments to the law “On compulsory liability insurance of vehicle owners” will come into force. They change the principles of calculating the cost of compulsory OSAGO policy for car owners. The tariff corridor will be expanded – as a result, the minimum base rate will be reduced to 2.7 thousand rubles, and the maximum will grow by 10%, to 5.4 thousand rubles. The corridor will increase even more for legal entities and taxi drivers – by 20% and 30%, respectively.

It is assumed that in this way insurers will be able to more flexibly approach the determination of tariffs for different categories of drivers, depending on different levels of risk. Not only the length of service and the presence of insured events over the past year, as before, will be taken into account, but also serious traffic violations committed over the past year, even if they did not lead to insured events. This is driving on a red light, entering an oncoming lane or speeding by more than 60 km / h. Insurers will receive information about fines from the State Traffic Inspectorate database.

The violations in question the cost of the policy will be affected only if they did not lead to an insured event and were recorded personally by a traffic police inspector


Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexey Malgavko

Resumption of international flights

Since the beginning of the month, for the first time since the closure of borders due to the pandemic (it happened in mid-March), regular international passenger flights will resume in Russia… At first it will be possible to fly only from several cities – Moscow, St. Petersburg and Rostov-on-Don. The list of open directions is also limited – these are Turkey, Tanzania and the UK.

The rules for entry to these countries for tourists as published by ATOR vary. For example, after entering Turkey and Tanzania (the main resort destination is Zanzibar), tourists will not need to comply with the 14-day quarantine, but will need to fill out a detailed questionnaire with information about their contacts and the place where they sat on the plane… After arriving in the UK, 14 days will need to be quarantined.

London, Zanzibar, Istanbul and Ankara will open to tourists from August 1, the resort Bodrum, Antalya and Dalaman – from August 10. It was not specified when flights to Zanzibar will resume within a month.

It is possible that the list will be expanded in the near future – the head of the Ministry of Transport Yevgeny Dietrich, in particular, in the middle of the month said that negotiations on this topic were being conducted with 30 countries.

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