What to Do With Your Extra Belongings When You Relocate

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By admin

Relocation can be for many reasons. You might need to move because of better career options in a different city or downsizing to a smaller house. In any case, relocating is tiring and a complicated exercise. Before you move, carry out extensive planning and go through all the details. You have to think about all the stuff that you have accumulated while living in your current house. What would you do with all the things you have? How will you manage the unwanted clutter? You have to go through all these details to ensure you only have the most needed stuff in your new house.

So, why not decide about all the extra stuff that has no business coming to your new house. Here is what you need to do to simplify your move by taking care of all the necessary things while relocating.

What you can do to the extra stuff depends on the nature of your move. Are you downsizing for a short time or permanently relocating to a new place? If you are downsizing, you often have stuff that finds no place in your new house because of limited space. You might be constructing your new home, and during that time, you can keep some of your belongings in a safe place. One of the safest options is a storage unit. You can rent a storage space in a facility near your house and put everything extra there. Search online for storage spaces according to the name of your place. For instance, if you are relocating to Bonney Lake, you may search “Bonney Lake storage” and get all the possible options. You can keep all your extra belongings, even your vehicles, and furniture, in this storage unit until you need them.

  • Purge Your House

Before you decide what you intend to do with things that you don’t need in your new place, you have to separate all these things from everything you have. To do so, you need to purge your house before you start to pack something. You can make three big containers and label them as “things to move,” “giveaways,” and “sell.” Now you know what to do with what.

  • Give Some To The Charity

After the purge, you will have a lot of stuff that you don’t need, so you can send it to your nearby charity location. This could be clothes, utensils, any electrical appliances that you don’t need. You might want to give away your kid’s stuff, too, such as short clothes, toys, etc.; make a call to the charity, and they will pick it up from your doorstep. So there is no hassle of transporting all these things either.

If you are not sure about the charity organizations in your locality, take the help of Facebook. It can be an excellent way to contact charities. They often have their social media page to keep the viewers updated about their activities.

  • Organize A Yard Sale

Do you have some things that you can sell at a reasonable price? Now is your chance to get rid of all those things. You have already collected all the sellable stuff during your purge; now, you need to display it to potential customers. You can organize a yard sale for selling all these things. Notify your friends and family about the event. You can also use social media to attract more people, including your neighbors. The social media page of your community or town can help you attract a lot of audiences.

Label everything with their prices to avoid going into the tiring process of bargaining. Make sure to keep the price most reasonable. Remember, you have already used the stuff, and people are buying them to save some money on the new things. You can also post pictures of your things online.

  • Throw Away/Recycle The Junk

If you are still left with things that you can neither sell nor giveaway, you are only left with one option; throw away or recycle. If you want to recycle some items, send them to the recycling unit in your town. Local governments often establish recycling collection centers for the public to drop their recyclable stuff such as plastic and glass bottles. This way, you are doing a service to the environment too.

  • Get Rid Of The Books That You Don’t Need

This might be one of the difficult things to get off of your hands, but you need to do this to make moving easy. Books become very heavy when you pack them in a box, so carrying them can be very hectic. Donate the books or sell them in your yard sale. You can only give away the books that you don’t need or read now. So, let them help someone else. This will help you declutter your house too.

  • Purge The Bathroom Drawers

Before you move, you must empty the bathroom drawers and check all the medicines and their expiry date. Throw away all the unnecessary and expired medicines. This not only reduces the hassle of packing small bottles of medicines or vitamins. It is a life-saver too because you might not know and take expired medicines with so much clutter of the medicines.

  • Clean Everything Remaining

Now you are left with the things you would carry to your new house, so there is no point in carrying and grime with you. So, clean everything before packing to get rid of the dust accumulated during decluttering. Some things might need more cleaning than others, so you can decide after looking at the situation.

When you move to a new house, there is so much that is unnecessarily piling up in your home, and you might have been ignoring it for a long time. So, before making a move, you have to get rid of all the extra and unnecessary things. You can send some stuff to the storage units, others you can give away in charity or sell in a yard sale. This way you will have all the things needed in your house. Decluttering your home this way will help you with packing as well.