What categorically cannot be done on May 2 on the Bright Resurrection of Christ

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How to properly celebrate the brightest holiday of the year

This year, on May 2, Orthodox Christians celebrate the most important holiday – the Bright Resurrection of Christ or Easter. On such a significant day, usually all believers gather with families and joyfully celebrate it. In addition, in the national calendar, May 2 is called “Ivan the Old Cave”. What is forbidden to do on this day?

There is not much information left about the life of St. John the Old Cave. The monk spent his whole life in the wilderness, where he observed austerity and ended his days in a monastery, having performed many pious deeds. On a few icons, the saint is depicted as a gray-haired old man with a long beard that is forked at the end.

Folk omens on this day

According to popular beliefs, peasant girls on this day had to go out into the field, bow in all directions and say: “Here’s a new novelty for you, mother spring!”… After these words, a cake was laid on the ground, since it was believed that thanks to such a ritual, spring would give the peasants a good harvest of flax and hemp.

If the sun shines brightly on the day of Ivan the Old Cave, it means that the sunny weather will last for several more days. Partly cloudy on this day promises a rich harvest. Warm May 2 foreshadows the cold end of the month, and vice versa. If the clouds are running fast across the sky, then there will be no rain for several more days.

If on this day the sun shines through the clouds, then sunny days will soon begin.

How to properly celebrate a bright holiday

On this ancient holiday, it is customary to greet with the words: “Christ is Risen!” Believers celebrate this holiday not only with their families: it is also customary to visit each other, treat each other with cakes, cottage cheese Easter and decorated eggs.

It is believed that in the morning on Easter it is better to wash with water containing silver and gold jewelry. Also, at lunchtime, you can already eat everything from the food that was forbidden during Lent. On Bright Sunday, people ask each other for forgiveness if they have offended anyone, and also forgive others. It is also customary for family and friends to make nice gifts for Easter.

On Easter, it is customary to visit, treat each other with Easter cakes or eggs.

What is strictly forbidden to do on Easter

The main prohibition on this holiday is to indulge in despondency and cry. Also, you can not commit bad deeds, swear with neighbors, abuse alcohol. All negative behavior on Easter in the Christian faith is regarded as disrespect for God himself.

You cannot lay a dirty or torn tablecloth before a feast on this day – this is considered a bad omen. Even on Easter it is forbidden to work, to work hard. But do not worry if you need to do some urgent business: wash the dishes or wipe the trampled floor. All restrictions must be approached prudently, because under the ban is precisely the work that is most exhausting and saddening. Also, on this day, it is forbidden to go to the cemetery, arrange a commemoration or mourn the dead.

On Bright Sunday, it is forbidden to work hard, swear and indulge in despondency.

Name days on this day are celebrated:

Victor, George, Dmitry, Ivan, Nikifor, Semyon, Trifon.