WFP Chief Says COVID-19 Pandemic Leads to “Biblical Hunger”

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The head of the World Food Program (WFP) David Beasley is confident that the coronavirus pandemic will lead to a famine of “biblical proportions.”

According to him, in the next six months to carry out humanitarian activities to mitigate the consequences of the pandemic, the organization will need about $ 5 billion. Beasley explained that, according to available data, WFP is forecasting an 80% increase in people who are food insecure.

“(The data) points to a real disaster. We are faced with the risk of a famine of biblical proportions, ”the head of the organization stressed.

He noted that in Latin America the number of hungry people will increase by 269%, the situation is no better in East and Central Asia, where growth is expected at 135%, and in Africa – 90%.

“Hunger in the world is already at an exorbitant level, if we do not act immediately, many will die, children will suffer from the consequences of malnutrition for many years to come, the whole world will be thrown back, having lost all the achievements in the fight against hunger of the last 10 years,” added Beasley.

According to the head of WFP, the cost of inaction will be incredibly high, so a balance must be struck between emergency assistance and recovery, which is designed for the long term.

Beasley explained that the food program aims to provide food to 138 million people this year, which will be “the largest humanitarian operation in history.” This crisis, he said, requires incredible funds, WFP needs $ 4.9 billion over the next six months to continue humanitarian activities in 83 countries. In most of them, the program is the only hope for survival.

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