Weightlifter Shimkova temporarily disqualified for doping

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World Weightlifting Champion Svetlana Shimkova has been temporarily disqualified for an anti-doping rule violation. This was reported on Friday, October 16, on the website of the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF).

This decision was made after rechecking the data of the Moscow laboratory. Disqualification takes effect October 16.

“If it is established that the athlete did not commit anti-doping rule violations, the corresponding decision will also be published,” the message says.

The IWF also decided not to comment on the case until it is closed.

37-year-old Svetlana Shimkova is an honored master of sports, world champion in 2010, European champion in the weight category up to 69 kg.

Earlier, on October 8, the IWF temporarily suspended the silver and bronze medalist of the European Championships, Russian Felix Khalibekov, and two more of his compatriots Arsen Boraganov and Alexei Emelianenko, on suspicion of violating doping rules.

It is noted that the decision to remove the athletes was made after rechecking the data obtained from the Moscow anti-doping laboratory.

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