Vilfand warned about the abnormal “heat” in Yakutia

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The scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, Roman Vilfand, said that the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) next week will become the “hottest” region in terms of temperature anomalies.

“Warm air will flow to the west of Yakutia at the beginning of next week, so the temperature there will be 8-10 degrees above normal. This is the “hottest” weather in Russia, a real “heat” if you look at the anomalies, ”TASS quoted him on December 25.

Vilfand warned that despite exceeding the temperature norm, residents of the republic will face severe frost. According to him, the air temperature in Yakutia on Friday afternoon will be minus 46 degrees, on Saturday and Sunday – minus 43 and 42 degrees, respectively. On Monday, December 28, the region will warm up to 37 degrees below zero, on Tuesday the temperature will reach minus 32 degrees, on Wednesday it will be minus 33 degrees, and on Thursday – minus 36 degrees.

Earlier in the day, the forecaster warned of a “snow collapse” in Moscow on the night of December 25. According to him, more than 10 cm of precipitation will fall in the capital. Wilfand called the weather expected in the region at the end of this week “completely non-standard.”

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