US supports EU sanctions over Navalny incident

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The United States supported the decision of the European Union to impose sanctions against Russians, whom Brussels considered involved in what happened to Alexeev Navalny. This was stated by the official representative of the American State Department Morgan Ortagus.

According to her, “those involved in the attack should be held accountable.”

“The United States welcomes the EU Council’s decision to impose sanctions on Russian officials linked to the poisoning of Alexei Navalny,” she said on Twitter.

Earlier, the European Union adopted sanctions against six Russian citizens and a scientific institute after what happened to Alexei Navalny. Russians were banned from entering the EU, namely FSB director Alexander Bortnikov, head of the Kremlin’s internal policy department Andrei Yarin, first deputy head of the presidential administration Sergei Kiriyenko, and presidential envoy to Siberia Sergei Menyailo.

According to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Moscow will respond to the new EU sanctions in a mirror image. According to him, the European Union is behaving unacceptably in the case with Navalny.

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