United States brought to vote a draft UN Security Council resolution on Iran

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The United States on Wednesday, August 12, submitted a draft resolution on the extension of the arms embargo against Iran for a vote in the UN Security Council. This was reported by TASS with reference to a source in the organization.

“The USA has put up a document for voting. The date of its holding is to be appointed by the chairman of the council (Indonesia presides in August – Ed.), ”The agency’s source said.

Since March, due to the remote work of the Security Council, voting has been carried out in writing. After the start of the voting procedure, countries have 24 hours to convey their decision to the secretariat staff, after which the results are announced by the UN Security Council President.

On July 31, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the expansion of sanctions against Iran’s nuclear, missile and military programs. The State Department has identified 22 specific materials that Iran allegedly uses in connection with nuclear, military or ballistic programs. Among them are aluminum alloys, aluminum powder, some steel grades, including stainless. Now the sanctions will affect those who deliberately hand them over to Tehran.

On July 2, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova noted that the US proposal to extend the arms embargo against Iran is groundless and Washington, according to her, has no right to “use the powers of the Security Council for its narrowly opportunistic purposes.”

In 2015, Iran, USA, Russia, China, UK, France and Germany signed a Joint Comprehensive Action Plan. The document, also called the nuclear deal, implies the lifting of sanctions against Tehran in exchange for an end to nuclear development.

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