Ukrainian Air Force transplants from Su-27 to Brazilian Super Tucano

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Ukraine plans to abandon the further use of Soviet and Russian fighters MiG-29 and Su-27. Military pilots are transferred to Brazilian Super Tucano aircraft. Recall that the MiG-29 and Su-27 are used, in addition to Russia and Ukraine, many other countries. Su-27 is in service with Angola, Belarus, Vietnam, DRC, Indonesia, PRC, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Ethiopia and Eritrea. Two planes, bought from Ukraine, are even in the USA for private use.

The fact that the possibility of switching to Brazilian attack aircraft is being developed in Ukraine was reported by the “Reporter” publication. The material indicates that by 2025 Ukraine will have to write off most of the Su-27 and MiG-29 remaining from the USSR. Fundamental decisions, according to experts, to renew the park should be made by the end of this year.

“The first applicant for this role can fly to Ukraine not from NATO countries, but from faraway Brazil. It is a lightweight turboprop attack aircraft originally intended to fight the Colombian guerrillas, ”the article says. Super Tucano can reach a speed of 590 km / h, fly at a distance of 1,330 km, and a combat load of 1.6 tons. It can only carry two 12.7mm FN Herstal M3 machine guns, 20mm automatic cannons, air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles, and cluster, incendiary and precision bombs.

The Su-27 can reach a speed of 2500 km / h, the maximum flight range is 3 250 km, the combat load is 6.5 tons. The board has ten external hardpoints, where six medium-range air-to-air missiles are placed in the standard configuration type R-27 and four short-range missiles R-73. Also, the aircraft can carry bombs with a caliber of up to 500 kilograms.

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