Trump’s son commented on the blocking of his father’s Twitter account

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Donald Trump Jr, the son of the current US President Donald Trump on Saturday, January 9, commented on the blocking of his father’s Twitter account, saying that freedom of speech is dead in America.

“The world laughs at America, but Mao, Lenin and Stalin smile. Are big tech companies able to censor the president? Free speech is dead and controlled by powerful leftists, ”he wrote on his page in Twitter

Earlier in the day, it became known that Twitter began blocking the accounts of supporters of the current US president. Former national security adviser Michael Flynn and former Trump campaign lawyer Sidney Powell were banned.

On January 8, it was reported that Trump’s Twitter account was permanently blocked. According to the administration of the social network, the reason for this decision was the risk of further incitement to violence. In addition to this, the leadership of Twitter promised to deactivate any page on the social network that Trump will use.

On the social network on the same day, they fulfilled their promise by freezing the page of the campaign headquarters of the politician due to the publication of his statement, in which Trump stressed that Twitter would not silence him. In addition, a French deputy was blocked, in whose account there were records allegedly on behalf of Trump.

Russian Senator Alexei Pushkov praised the actions of the Twitter leadership, saying that in this way the ruling elite is blocking “politically objectionable” content on social networks, as well as the authors who distribute it.

The restrictions on Trump’s Twitter account began on January 6 during the storming of the Capitol by presidential supporters.

Several people fell victim to the riots in Washington.

In addition to Twitter, Trump’s pages were blocked on Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Snapchat.

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