Trump was surprised by Biden’s chosen candidacy for the post of US vice president

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US President Donald Trump said he was surprised by the choice of California Senator Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee for US Vice President.

The American leader also recalled that Harris performed poorly during the Democratic Party primaries, RIA Novosti reports.

“She had about 2%, spent a lot of money … I was surprised they chose her,” Trump said at a press conference on Tuesday, August 11.

Trump added that Harris was disrespectful to the most likely Democratic presidential candidate, Joe Biden.

“She said terrible things about Sleepy Joe (Biden – Ed.), And it’s hard to imagine that he chose her,” added the US President.

Earlier Tuesday, Biden announced that he had selected Senator Kamala Harris from California as his running mate. He recalled that Harris worked closely with his son Bo when she served as California’s attorney general.

Harris was previously Biden’s rival for the Democratic presidential nomination. In December 2019, she announced her retirement from the race. She later came out in support of Biden.

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