Trump says media would embrace border wall, hydroxychloroquine if he opposed them

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President Trump said the mainstream media would have embraced a wall along the southern border and hydroxychloroquine if he opposed them during an appearance Tuesday on Fox Sports Radio’s “Outkick the Coverage.”

“Outkick” host Clay Travis asked Trump if he ever considered playing a “trick” on the media and saying the exact opposite of what he truly believed, in order to dupe them into supporting his position.

“It seems like every time you come out, like, you say schools should open, and the media immediately says, ‘Oh, schools can’t open,’” Travis said. “But, if you had said, ‘Hey we can’t open schools,’ I feel like the media would have said, ‘Oh we gotta open schools, the president is crazy.’”


Trump seemed to like the suggestion, saying he actually had spoken about it on a regular basis.

“It’s so funny that you mention that because I talk about it all the time, nobody else does,” Trump said. “I could have had the wall built very easily… we’re building a wall, but getting it was like pulling teeth… if I would have said, ‘I don’t want a wall,” they would have given it to them immediately.”

The president then brought up hydroxychloroquine, the anti-malarial drug that scientists have been studying for possible use to treat COVID-19 symptoms.


“A lot of doctors swear by it, by my saying, ‘It’s good.’ I took it for two weeks. There was a little outbreak around Washington and I said, ‘Let me have something,’ and I took it for two weeks and it was fine,” Trump said. “It was great, I didn’t have it, I didn’t get it, and I had no problem whatsoever with it… as soon as I came out with it, they said, ‘Oh, it doesn’t work,’ and they went crazy. They still are.”

Trump then declared, “If I would have said, ‘I don’t believe in hydroxychloroquine, it’s terrible… I don’t believe in it, it doesn’t work,’ it would be the hottest thing going right now.”

Trump then mocked the media for vilifying his infamous walk across Lafayette Park to St. John’s Church, where he held a Bible in front of cameras following a violent protest near the White House back in June.

“The agitators and anarchists, you know, they call them protesters, they tried to burn down a church. I held a Bible up in front of the church and they said it was a terrible thing I did,” Trump said. “I hold a Bible in front of a church that they tried to burn down, the day before, and they say, ‘Isn’t he a terrible human being?’”


Trump then joked that his appearance on “Outkick the Coverage” could tarnish the show in the eyes of the mainstream media.

“That’ll be the end. You’ve got these great ratings going, I see, Clay, and you have a he– of a show. Maybe I will have destroyed your show,” Trump joked.

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