Trump releases video message after impeachment

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The still incumbent US President, Donald Trump, has once again condemned the violence and called for peace, without commenting on the impeachment that the House of Representatives has given him.

“I want to condemn the violence that we have seen in the last week … Crowd violence is contrary to everything I believe in and everything that our movement stands for,” the US leader said in a video message.

He said that the Americans should focus on the interests of the whole country and unite, “overcoming the passions of the moment.”

Trump did not bypass the story of the blocking of his Twitter and Facebook accounts in his speech. He called these moves an unprecedented attack on free speech.

“Attempts to censor, ‘cancel’ and blacklist our fellow citizens are wrong and dangerous,” Trump said.

Earlier, the president nevertheless commented on the impeachment vote of the US House of Representatives on Twitter, trying to justify himself on the main charge – incitement to rebellion.

“My true supporters cannot support political violence, … disrespect for law enforcement or our great American flag,” Trump wrote.

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