Hydrometeorological Center warned of bad weather in the European part of Russia

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Snowfalls, strong winds, abnormal cold, blizzards and snow drifts are expected in the European part of Russia in the coming days, the Hydrometeorological Center reported on Thursday, January 14.

According to weather forecasters, in the Rostov, Volgograd regions, in the Stavropol and Krasnodar regions, a whole “bouquet of troubles” is predicted, RIA Novosti reports.

“This is precipitation, in some places heavy precipitation, adhesion of wet snow on everything it will fall on, ice, ice, somewhere snow drifts on the roads, somewhere gusty wind, somewhere snowstorms,” the message says.

In the Sochi region over the Black Sea, there is a danger of tornadoes forming, and in the Caucasus mountains gusts of wind will reach 32 meters per second.

In addition, weather troubles await residents of the Volga Federal District. Bad weather is also expected in the south of the European part of Russia, in the middle zone and in the north.

According to forecasts, abnormal frosts will be observed in the north and northwest of the European part of Russia. In the Arkhangelsk region, up to minus 35 degrees and below. In Moscow on January 14, it will snow, in some places heavy, snow drifts and icy ice are possible. On January 15, there will be less snow, but the frosts will intensify. In some places in the metropolitan area, they will reach minus 25 degrees. Snow and frost will remain in the European part of Russia until the end of the week.

Earlier on Thursday, the scientific director of the Russian Hydrometeorological Center, Roman Vilfand, said that next week it would get warmer in Moscow. On Monday, the daytime temperature will rise to 10-15 degrees below zero, and on Tuesday – up to 7-10 degrees below zero.

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