Trump pledges coronavirus vaccine within weeks

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The United States will announce the readiness of a coronavirus vaccine within a few weeks. This was announced by President Donald Trump on Thursday, October 22.

“We have a vaccine that is coming soon. She’s ready. It will be announced within weeks and will be circulated [среди американцев]”- said the American leader during a debate broadcast by NBC with the Democratic candidate for the presidency of the United States Joe Biden.

Trump recalled that the Department of Defense is involved in the distribution of the vaccine in the United States.

The NBC reporter asked the president to explain why officials involved in the development of the vaccine say that Americans will not receive it until 2021.

“No, I think my timing is more accurate. I don’t know if they’re counting on military personnel [в деле распространения вакцины] just like me, ”Trump replied.

According to him, the military will “very easily” be able to distribute the vaccine to the Americans.

“We are counting on 100 million doses as soon as we receive the vaccine,” the US President added.

Earlier in September, Trump said that the US authorities could begin distributing the COVID-19 vaccine to the public as early as October.

The world’s first coronavirus vaccine was registered on August 11 in Russia. The drug developed by the specialists of the Gamaleya Center was named Sputnik V.

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