Nearly half of the 1,873 registered American voters (47%) who surveyed The Hill, an American print and online publication on politics, together with Harris Research Service, supported the idea of ​​Donald Trump running in the presidential election in 2024, and 53 percent said they were against.

The poll was conducted in November, two and a half weeks after the 2020 presidential election. 75 percent of Republican voters polled favored Trump trying to take over the White House again four years later, with 25 percent expressing the opposite opinion. Among Democrats, 76 percent opposed such a likely attempt by Trump, and supported this idea by 24 percent. Independent voters had significantly fewer opponents – 53 percent. The poll followed reports that Trump was discussing his likely participation in the 2024 presidential election.

Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 0 dated November 30 -0001

Newspaper headline:
Why not try?