Trump at the G20 summit criticized the Paris climate agreement

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US President Donald Trump on Sunday, November 22, at a session of the G20 summit on the conservation of the planet’s ecosystem, criticized the Paris climate agreement.

“I pulled the United States out of the unfair and one-sided Paris Climate Agreement – a very unfair treaty for the United States. The Paris Agreement was not aimed at preserving the environment. It was aimed at destroying the American economy, ”TASS quoted Trump as saying.

He noted that he would not have gone to lose millions of American jobs. In addition, he refuses to send trillions of dollars to the worst polluters of the environment.

As a counterargument, he listed environmental protection measures that had been taken during his presidency.

In November, Democratic candidate Joe Biden, who is currently fighting for the presidency, plans to re-sign the Paris Agreement and other documents after his inauguration as president, in which Trump has canceled the US presence by his orders.

In July, Biden said that if he wins the election, he plans to invest $ 2 trillion in the transition of the country’s energy to environmentally friendly sources over a four-year period.

Trump is confident that if implemented, the Biden program will destroy US companies that work in the field of “clean coal” and gas production.

The Paris Agreement aims to prevent temperatures from rising by more than two degrees Celsius (1.5 degrees better) by the end of the century compared to the pre-industrial period (mid-19th century). This goal will require a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by about a third by 2030.

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