Trump, and his children, at the center of the Republican convention

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Donald Trump intends to capture all the light: the American president will be omnipresent, and his children in good place, during the Republican convention which begins Monday, with the hope of catching up with Joe Biden.

Anxious to mark the contrast with his Democratic rival, who leaves little home but is clearly in the lead in the polls 70 days before the election, he will make the trip to Charlotte, North Carolina.

This is where some 300 delegates representing all 50 US states will once again formally nominate him as their party’s candidate.

This high mass of the Grand Old Party, which, like its Democratic counterpart which has just ended, will be mostly virtual due to coronavirus, will first of all be a family affair for the former New York businessman .

Beyond his wife Melania, his four adult children will be among the speakers who will speak at the podium: Donald Jr, Eric, Tiffany, Ivanka.

Largely ahead in national polls for weeks, given beaten in many key states, the American head of state is hoping for a start, and a surprise victory, as in 2016.

To achieve this, he is counting on a “very optimistic and cheerful” convention, said Jason Miller, a member of his campaign team.

The objective is also to defend its balance sheet, at a time when it is being abused for its management of the Covid-19 pandemic and when its trump card, the good health of the economy, is no longer an asset.

“We are going to show the impact on real people that the Trump-Pence administration has had,” Kellyanne Conway, a close advisor to Donald Trump, told Fox News.

“You will hear them directly,” added the one who played a central role in the 2016 campaign and announced Sunday evening that she would soon be leaving the White House to devote herself to her family.

In particular, the intervention of Tanya Weinreis, manager of a cafe in Montana, who received a federal loan in the spring to deal with the consequences of the pandemic on her activity, is planned.

The convention also ensured the presence of several African-American speakers, in an attempt to rally part of the black electorate which is generally hostile to it, including Tim Scott, the only black Republican senator.

Fuzzy program

But the 45e president of history is also expected on his program for the next four years.

Asked about this theme Sunday night on Fox News, he was, once again, very evasive. If he were re-elected, what would he do differently? “I would reinforce what I have already done and do new things,” he simply replied.

From the Middle East, where he is traveling, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is expected to discuss the diplomatic advances of the Trump administration, an unusual intervention for this type of event.

Thursday, during a speech in the gardens of the White House, he will officially accept, and for the second, the nomination of his party.

But many expect the US president to quickly return to his usual rhetoric, which polarizes rather than unites.

In the days leading up to the opening of the Republican convention, Donald Trump adopted a tone very different from the one his party and his campaign team would like to give to the event.

“If our opponents win, no one will be safe in our country,” he said on Friday. “It will be a completely different country and, in the end, it will fail,” he added, predicting a recession “similar to that of 1929”.

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