Treatment facilities to appear on the Alka River in Kostroma in two years

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In Kostroma, these days, the construction of treatment facilities for storm water flowing into the Alka River from the Yubileiny microdistrict begins. At present, after heavy rains, the neighborhood turns out to be a kind of “Venice” – huge puddles form on the streets, which sometimes flood the sidewalks.

But after the construction of treatment facilities, this problem will become a thing of the past: the new treatment facilities will calmly pass 800 tons of water per hour through themselves.

The project is designed for 2 years. Now its first stage begins – arrangement of water flow into the Alka River. Trees and bushes are being cleared from the territory through which the pipe will pass to release already treated wastewater into the river. The construction of the collector itself will cost 130 million rubles, which Kostroma received within the framework of the federal program “Improvement of the Volga” of the national project “Ecology”

The execution of works is under constant control of the city administration.

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