The Volgograd Region expands support measures for tenants

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Now an additional category of entrepreneurs who lease state property will have access to a deferral, as well as exemption from payments. Now the total amount of federal and regional assistance is 14.5 billion rubles.

It was decided to expand support measures as part of the formation of the second package of anti-crisis measures. Additional benefits will apply to tenants of land plots in the Volgograd Region provided for the use of construction projects in industries affected by the pandemic.

Thus, a new category of businessmen will be able to defer payments for rent from April 1 to November 30 until this year. They can be paid in equal installments during 2021-2022. In addition, other conditions will also be determined upon agreement between the parties, the press service of the regional administration said.

From March 16 to November 30, 2020, a grace period will be provided for entrepreneurs who rent property in the region and work in the most affected business sectors from COVID-19. They will be given the opportunity to pay rent next year.

Tenants of state property and land plots who entered into an agreement before March 16, but cannot use the property due to restrictive measures, are exempted from paying rent for the entire period of high alert. After that, by the end of 2020, the size of the fee for them will be reduced by 25 percent. Businessmen will be able to receive support if they contact the relevant committee and relevant government agencies.

Another measure of business support was deferred payments for the acquired state property. It will be provided to businessmen until September 30 of this year, inclusive. The property can be paid in equal installments until the end of the year, the measure is of a declarative nature.

We add that the task of providing comprehensive business support in the context of the spread of coronavirus was set by the head of the region, Andrei Bocharov. Rental vacations have already begun to operate. 512 entrepreneurs used them.

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