The State Duma offered to give a discount on the Internet to students remotely

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In Russia, they offered to provide a discount of up to 50% for Internet services for families whose children are forced to study from home due to the coronavirus pandemic. Such an initiative was made by State Duma deputy Ivan Sukharev, RT reports on Friday, September 11.

The parliamentarian sent a letter to the head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications Maksut Shadayev, in which he recalled that in a number of regions local decisions were again made to transfer students to distance learning due to the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases after the start of the school year.

Sukharev noted that at the same time, the families of the students pay for the Internet, that is, they bear the costs of organizing distance learning.

The deputy asked the head of the department to consider the possibility of creating a mechanism for compensation from the federal budget for the costs of paying for Internet connection services for such families.

According to the MP, the discount “up to 50% of the tariff used, but not more than 500 rubles per month” should apply not only to schoolchildren, but also to students of secondary and higher educational institutions.

Earlier, on September 11, Izvestia wrote that some schoolchildren in Russia returned to distance learning – in different regions, classes or entire educational institutions were quarantined due to cases of COVID-19 infection.

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