The State Duma introduced a project on the indexation of pensions for working pensioners

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A bill on the resumption of the indexation of pensions for working pensioners has been submitted to the State Duma. The corresponding document was published in the electronic database of the lower house of parliament on Friday, January 22.

The document was introduced by the deputies of the A Just Russia faction headed by its leader Sergei Mironov. The explanatory note says that the bill is aimed at restoring the mechanism of indexation and payment of insurance pensions to working pensioners, which has been suspended since 2016, writes.

It is noted that at the moment there are 7.3 million working pensioners in the country, the average pension is 16.5 thousand rubles.

“The lack of indexation and payment of pensions is unfair to working pensioners, because it puts them in an unequal position with non-working pensioners,” the document says.

According to parliamentarians, the adoption of the law will require additional expenses of the Russian Pension Fund in 2021 in the amount of almost 71 billion rubles.

On January 12, a bill was submitted to the State Duma on the possibility of additional indexation of pensions during the year.

It is assumed that social pensions will be indexed annually from April 1, taking into account the growth rate of the subsistence minimum for a pensioner in Russia over the past year in accordance with the current procedure and additionally from July 1, if the inflation rate over the past year exceeds the growth rate of the pensioner’s subsistence minimum for the same period.

Earlier, on January 5, during a meeting, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed the hope that there would be no failures in the indexation of pensions. In turn, the head of the Ministry of Labor of Russia Anton Kotyakov said that the indexation of pensions in 2021 will be higher than the inflation rate, and 32 million people will receive increased payments.

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