The second stage of the fight against Sosnovsky’s hogweed began in Kostroma

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In the third quarter, the Kostroma authorities decided to send another 86 thousand rubles to measures to combat Sosnovsky’s hogweed. The first stage of the fight against this noxious plant took place in May – then the specialists of the “Clean City” MCU, by spraying with herbicides, eliminated a dangerous weed on the territory of 1.7 hectares.

But the hogweed is tenacious – and after a second survey of urban areas, it turned out that the places of its distribution were preserved on Rechny Prospekt, Drovyanaya, Zarechnaya, Profsoyuznaya, Zelenaya, Ostrovsky streets, as well as at the Vasilyevsky sewage treatment plants, in the area of ​​the river. Black, and at the Junction 5th kilometer.

In July, a second cultivation took place on an area of ​​0.3 hectares, now work on the eradication of hogweed continues.

Residents of the city who discovered this plant are asked to report the places of its growth to the Department of Architecture and Construction by phone: 32-70-67. As for the owners of land plots, they are obliged to destroy it on their own – otherwise they will face administrative fines.

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