The owners of barking dogs offered to punish in the Altai Territory

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Deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Altai Territory are considering an initiative to introduce a fine for owners of noisy pets. They have repeatedly received complaints from residents of apartment buildings and private houses about barking, howling and other noise emitted by pets, especially at night. The law “On silence” does not spell out the respective responsibility of the owners.

As writes with reference to the head of the regional legislative assembly committee on legal policy Andrey Osipov, similar laws work in the Voronezh, Magadan, Omsk, Samara regions and the Trans-Baikal Territory. They state that barking and howling are among the actions that violate the peace and quiet of citizens.

The deputies propose to refer to actions that violate the peace and quiet of citizens, the failure of the owner of a pet to stop barking, howling and other noise, which entails a violation of peace and quiet of citizens. Osipov is confident that amendments to the current law will not entail additional expenses from the regional budget.

Earlier it was reported that the updated Code of Administrative Offenses is planned to include an article on liability for disturbance of peace at night, from 23:00 to 07:00. In particular, this wording makes it possible to prosecute those who leave a loudly barking dog in the apartment.

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