The offices of large banks do not comply with security measures during a pandemic

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In a number of branches of large credit institutions, the rules of sanitary and epidemiological safety are not observed, Izvestia found out, having visited more than 30 offices of systemically important banks. To assess the implementation of preventive measures, three departments from each organization were examined.

The results of the bypass showed that in the offices of six out of 11 credit institutions, the mask and glove regime is not observed. For example, at the time of the visit to the VTB branch located on Rozhdestvenka Street, two specialists with masks pulled down to their chins were consulting clients. The same way of wearing masks when working with the population is “practiced” by the operators of Raiffeisenbank, Otkrytie, MKB, and two branches of Alfa-Bank.

A similar picture was recorded in one of the offices of the Russian Agricultural Bank. However, this department turned out to be the only one where the temperature of the visitors is measured at the entrance. In the rest of the banks’ offices, including other branches of the RSHB, no customers were met with a contactless thermometer.

Only employees of several credit institutions had gloves. It was also recorded that in bank offices they do not always strictly monitor the presence of protective equipment at the client, however, as well as the observance of the distance.

Izvestia sent inquiries to 11 systemically important banks with a request to comment on the noted shortcomings in the work of their branches, as well as to tell about the measures taken during the outbreak of coronavirus infection. Credit institutions have assured that all their offices are functioning in compliance with the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Health and local authorities. They stressed that the health of customers and employees is their main priorities.

Read more in the exclusive material of Izvestia:

Maskless mode: banks do not comply with security measures in a pandemic

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