The number of positive cases for COVID-19 continues to increase in France

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The number of people diagnosed with the new coronavirus in France has increased by more than 30% in one week, faster than the increase in the number of tests carried out, according to a weekly report published on Thursday.

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During the week of July 27 to August 2, 7,565 people tested positive in metropolitan France, or +33% compared to the previous week which had seen a jump in the number of cases (+ 57%, with 5,695).

This increase in new positive cases “remains greater than the increase in the number of patients tested” (+ 14%, 505,945), underlines the public body Santé Publique France.

The daily report published Thursday by the Ministry of Health goes in the same direction: 1,604 cases confirmed in the last 24 hours, after 1,695 the day before, while this figure has passed the 1000 mark since the end of July.

France now has 30,312 deaths, or 7 more in 24 hours. On Tuesday, the Scientific Council, which guides the government in the fight against COVID-19, warned that France is not immune from an uncontrolled resumption of the epidemic, and urged the French to respect the measures barriers.

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