Finnish cheese will not pass: the customs decided to strengthen the check on the roads

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New X-ray scanners will be installed at border checkpoints on the Finnish side (in Vaalimaa, Imatra and at the railway checkpoint at Vainikkala station) to check freight transport and railway wagons, as well as, in some cases, light vehicles, reports the Finnish agency Yle. At the more northern checkpoints (on the border with Karelia) this has not yet been provided.

“For example, freight trains have a lot of wagons with chemicals that are difficult, time consuming and dangerous to manually check, – explains the head of the Finnish Customs Enforcement Department Mikko Grönberg… “At the Vaalimaa border checkpoint, checks will also concern trucks, containers and cars.”

Finnish customs officials do not hide the fact that with the help of new scanners they will be able to more efficiently detect illegal goods – for example, wholesale shipments of cigarettes imported into Finland. Also, it will probably be easier to track small consignments of “sanctioned” products that individuals (including truck drivers) are trying to transport in the opposite direction, from Finland to St. Petersburg. Is this good news – every citizen of St. Petersburg can decide for himself.

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