The noose tightens around Donald Trump

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The New York Times reveals that the office of Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, who is investigating Donald Trump’s taxation, subpoenaed Deutsche Bank, its long-time lender. It’s a sign that the criminal investigation into Trump’s business practices is bigger than previously thought.

The criminal investigation initially appeared to focus on Trump’s secret payments in 2016 to two women he had sex with. The case filed this week by federal prosecutors in New York suggests the investigation is now extended to the “Trump Organization” and relates to possible crimes involving banking and insurance fraud. Michael D. Cohen, Trump’s lawyer and confidant, now behind bars, had sworn to Congress that Trump had exaggerated the value of his real estate assets while he was looking for loans and in his dealings with his company. ‘insurance.

Justice is obviously also interested in the links between Trump, Deutsche Bank and Russia. The question has been asked by most of the American media for more than four years: what can Putin have on Trump to blackmail him? Women’s affairs have been mentioned. I have already devoted a blog to it.

Trump’s subjugation to Russia is incredible. Some examples. He never blamed Russia for its interference in the 2016 election, even though US intelligence has confirmed it. He preferred to believe Putin’s denial. He refused to endorse the sanctions against Moscow imposed by Congress and suggested that Russia has every right to seize Crimea. On five occasions, Trump has refused to disclose his one-on-one conversations with Putin. Not only were the Secretary of State and the National Security Advisor not included in these private phone calls, they were not briefed on the topics discussed.

The New York Times claims Deutsche Bank complied with the subpoena and provided investigators with detailed financial statements and other documents submitted by Trump to obtain loans. The bank’s handing over of these documents reinforces the seriousness of the legal threat to Trump, his family and his business. The German bank has loaned him and his company more than $ 2 billion over the past two decades.

What about Russia in there?

I think we have to relate these new revelations from Times to those made at the beginning of the year by the site specializing in forensics and forensic accounting Forensic News : A bank controlled by the Russian government is said to have deposited at least half a billion dollars in the American subsidiary of Deutsche Bank while the bank was granting Trump loans which are currently under investigation.

Forensic News reports that Deutsche Bank has acknowledged that Russian state-owned bank Gazprombank transferred large sums to one of its subsidiaries for remittance “to certain entities, individuals or vendors in jurisdictions that use the US dollar as their currency.” ” Deutsche Bank declined to name the beneficiaries of these transactions.

A whistleblower named Val Broeksmit told Forensic News that he disclosed these questionable financial transactions to the FBI after finding a Deutsche Bank “violation report” in a cache of documents belonging to his father, a bank executive who committed suicide in early 2014.

After being housed at public expense in the White House, the prospect of being housed in federal prison following his electoral defeat anguishes Trump and strengthens his resolve not to step down as president no matter what.

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