The narcologist named the dose of alcohol safe for health

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A dose of alcohol harmless to the human body does not exceed a teaspoon, psychiatrist-narcologist Alexander Kovtun told about this in an interview with NSN.

According to the doctor, anything larger than this volume is no longer beneficial to health.

“The therapeutic dose of alcohol is a teaspoon as a muscle relaxant, adaptogen and antistress. Anything more is already toxic and poisonous doses, to one degree or another it will be harmful, ”Kovtun said.

The expert also commented on the forecast of experts from “Sober Russia”, who suggested that by 2050 the population of Russia could drop to 125 million people. Specialists named alcohol, tobacco and drugs as one of the factors that negatively affect the demography.

According to the narcologist, one could agree with such a forecast 10-15 years ago, but now, as the doctor noted, the situation has improved. Therefore, he expressed the hope that the calculations of the Sober Russia experts would not come true.

Earlier in December, immunologist, candidate of medical sciences Ksenia Bocharova said that alcohol reduces the effectiveness of vaccinations on the body and suppresses its immunity. She noted that drinking alcohol during the administration of the coronavirus vaccine will reduce the production of protective cells in the body.

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