December 21 will determine the future life of mankind

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This day will become a landmark. This large-scale astrological event will affect the life of every person, experts on heavenly bodies assure, reports “MK in Volgograd”.

According to the assurances of astrologers, on the day of the winter solstice, Saturn and Jupiter will unite in the sign of Aquarius. An entire epoch of 200 years will sink into the past, and a new one will open.

Every earthly inhabitant will feel this on himself. There will be no exceptions. Saturn and Jupiter will now meet in air signs for the next 60 years.

This event will open 200 years of the air element. The era of avarice will end, the material will sink into oblivion. Their place will be taken by the ability to conduct business taking into account the interests of all.

As for the previous two centuries, they passed under the sign of the elements of the earth. Therefore, the energy of people subconsciously was directed towards enrichment and the struggle for material things.

The winter solstice will set a trend for the first 20 years.

This day is not recommended:

– arrange noisy gatherings;

– drink alcohol;

– gluttony;

– to be greedy;

– to walk untidy.

On the day of the winter solstice, you need to be generous, as a dark future awaits the miser. Housing must be clean, otherwise unpleasant events will haunt the whole next year.

In addition, on December 21, they make important decisions, start new business, make wishes, decorate the Christmas tree, and guess.

So that well-being comes to the house, they prepare a glass of water in the morning, which they drink in the evening. At the same time, mentally repeating: “Good luck come, happiness come, grief go away.”

To attract the financial component, coins were placed in front of the mirror, while saying: “Coin to coin, desire for desire, let everything come true in the new year,” writes “Courier. Wednesday”.

Also on December 21, you can make a cherished wish. Dreams are written on a piece of paper and burned.

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