The lawyer told how people lose their apartments by renting

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People can lose the apartment they are renting if their passport data ends up in the hands of scammers. Daniil Markhiev, Managing Partner of the Moscow Bar Association Status Group, spoke about this.

According to him, such scammers rent an apartment for long periods.

“Criminals can rent an apartment for a long time, and then sell it, using a fake notarized power of attorney, a passport with a photo pasted in, or an electronic digital signature obtained illegally,” he explained to the Prime agency.

The lawyer stressed that one of the ways to protect real estate from fraudsters can be a ban on any transactions without the personal participation of the owner. He needs to submit an application to the MFC or Rosreestr that he is against the sale or donations, restrictions and encumbrances of his real estate, in the event that he himself is not personally present at the transaction.

“Even if the fraudsters are able to forge the power of attorney and try to sell the apartment, they will not succeed without the personal participation of the owner of the property,” concluded Markhiev.

The application can be submitted either in person or remotely by signing it with a digital signature.

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