The Governor and the Head of the Temkinsky District discussed the introduction of new lands into circulation

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Governor Alexei Ostrovsky discussed the prospects for the development of the municipality at a working meeting with the head of the Temkinsky district, Sergei Gulyaev. One of the topics was the development of the region’s agro-industrial complex. The Governor asked the question: “I am extremely worried about one issue – the Temkinsky District specializes in agriculture, but the rate of putting unclaimed agricultural land into circulation, unfortunately, is not high enough. This work should be done more actively. What can you say about this? “

Sergei Gulyaev replied that there are no large agricultural enterprises on the territory of the municipality, therefore, the indicator of the cultivated land bank and acreage is low: “But at the same time, we continue to work in this direction and annually introduce about 100 hectares into agricultural circulation. This year is no exception. “

Alexei Ostrovsky added: “In addition, Sergey Anatolyevich, agricultural enterprises should be encouraged to participate in the competition for grant support for farmers.”

Sergei Gulyaev promised to intensify this activity. A problematic issue is the preparation of the necessary documentation – for example, in 2019, two agricultural enterprises applied for grants, but due to a change in the conditions of the program, they could not receive this support. As for other support measures, last year one of our farmers received a subsidy to reimburse part of the cost of purchasing agricultural machinery.

At the meeting, they also discussed road facilities, implementation of national projects, and gasification. The governor promised assistance in laying sewer networks where they have not yet been built – about 2 million rubles are needed to develop design and estimate documentation.

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