The expert spoke about the methods of protection against tracking by phone billing

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Calls and SMS printouts, combined with other methods of monitoring the phone, can cause considerable anxiety to the victim of surveillance. On Saturday, December 19, Roman Sychev, head of the network technologies department of the Angara group of information security companies, spoke about how to avoid phone billing by cybercriminals.

This service is available to the subscriber from his telecom operator. In addition, employees of the telecom company and special services can access this information through the SORM equipment, which each operator has.

“There is a possibility that fraudsters will also get access to billing. The main methods of cybercriminals in this case are social engineering or installing special applications on the victim’s phone. It is also possible for the operator to leak data through the fault of employees. In addition, some “semi-official” applications can collect this information from the phone, ”explained the expert.

According to the specialist, the data on the number and frequency of calls, call times and message content do not provide much to cybercriminals. However, with a targeted attack, usually on a public person, the situation changes. So, if fraudsters, in addition to billing data, arranged geolocation surveillance, then they will be able to find out not only what the person was talking about, but also where he was and use this information for criminal purposes.

To avoid this, you need to be very careful. You should not give applications access to all the requested phone functions, and it is better to download the applications themselves only in official stores. In addition, Sychev recommends installing an antivirus on all devices.

On December 5, partner and director of the Intellectual Reserve company Pavel Myasoedov said that modern smartphones have several sensor devices for recognizing the owner, including a microphone, a camera and a gyroscope. They all determine whether a person is near the gadget and holds it in his hands.

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