The cost of modernizing the Kursk Sea was estimated at 10 billion rubles

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The second stage of the modernization of the Kursk reservoir can cost almost 10 billion rubles. This became known following a visit to the Kursk region of a delegation of the Commission on Housing and Utilities, Construction and Roads of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

The chairman of the commission, Igor Shpektor, noted that one should not miss the moment and get funds from the federal Ministry of Nature. For this it is necessary to prove that such large investments are justified, writes IA “Abireg”.

At the end of July, the deputy governor of the region, Alexei Smirnov, said that the Kursk Sea had become shallow, since no work had been carried out at the facility for the last 15 years. Then the cost of their completion was estimated at 7 billion rubles.

To date, the technical task is ready, all preparatory work with organizations has already been carried out. Design can begin this year and apply for federal aid next year.

According to the governor, the authorities have no right to leave almost half a million city without drinking water. Funds for the design of the facility should be allocated in the first place, which is about 60 million rubles.

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