SP-2 operator decided to resume gas pipeline construction this year

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Nord Stream 2 AG, operator of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline construction project, plans to resume laying the pipeline in December 2020. This was reported by TASS with reference to the company on Saturday, November 28.

“Yes, we can confirm this. We plan to resume pipe-laying work using an anchored vessel in the exclusive economic zone of Germany this year, ”the company said when asked if they confirm the resumption of work on the construction of SP-2.

Nord Stream 2 noted that they will name a specific vessel that will be used in the construction later.

Earlier on Saturday, the media reported that the construction of the gas pipeline, after a one-year pause, could resume in December. It was noted that the Baltic Sea Waterways and Shipping Administration in Stralsund announced the start of construction to the crews of vessels passing in the area. They were asked to be extra careful.

Construction work is expected to begin south of the Adlergrund area from 5 December. At this point, there is the end of the pipe leading from the gas distribution station towards the Baltic Sea.

Now about 75 km are missing to complete the project. Of these, 16 km are located within the exclusive economic zone of Germany, and the remaining 60 km are in Denmark.

Nord Stream added that the continued construction is “adapted to the situation with the project.”

On the eve of the authorities of the federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany expressed a desire to create a non-profit fund for the Nord Stream 2 project, under the protection of which the gas pipeline can continue to be built, despite the threat of US sanctions.

On the same day, the pipe-laying vessel Akademik Chersky left the German port of Mukran, the logistics base of SP-2, and headed for Kaliningrad. The supply vessel Umka, which delivers pipes from the shore, and the Finval vessel, are anchored at the port of Mukran.

In December 2019, Washington for the first time imposed restrictions on companies that were involved in the implementation of the pipeline. Because of this, construction was suspended.

The US continues to put pressure on European companies involved in the project.

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