Sobchak was fined 20 thousand rubles because of the support of Safronov

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The Meshchansky District Court of Moscow fined TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak 20 thousand rubles for pickets in support of Ivan Safronov, former adviser to the deputy head of Roscosmos, who was detained on suspicion of treason. This was reported by the Izvestia correspondent.

“Sobchak’s guilt is confirmed by a body of evidence. There is no reason not to trust the information contained in the protocol and reports of the police officers. To recognize Sobchak guilty and to impose a penalty in the form of an administrative fine in the amount of 20 thousand rubles, “- noted in the court ruling, which was issued on Thursday, August 6.

The TV presenter was detained on July 7 near the FSB building in the center of the capital, where pickets were held in support of Safronov. She claimed that she did not stand in the picket, although she was wearing a T-shirt with the words “Freedom to Ivan Safronov”, writes

“I came to record the eyeliner [к передаче в YouTube]but also support too. I had no plans to get into a solitary picket. I put on a jersey and wanted to draw attention to this issue, ”she said.

Safronov was detained on July 7 in Moscow. The investigation believes that he was recruited by the Czech special services since 2012, and in 2017 he allegedly received an assignment and gave this country data on military cooperation between Russia and the Middle East.

The FSB opened a criminal case under Art. 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“High treason”). Safronov pleaded not guilty and refused to deal with the investigation. Until September 6, he will remain under arrest in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center.

Previously, Safronov worked as a journalist for Kommersant and Vedomosti. His appointment as an adviser to the head of Roscosmos was announced in May.

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