Scientist named vitamins reducing the risk of severe forms of COVID-19

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To reduce your risk of severe COVID-19, you need to take vitamins C and D, melatonin, and zinc. This was stated by a member of the scientific and technical committee on coronavirus infection under the regional government of Sicily, professor of medicine Salvatore Corrao.

Within six months, a group of scientists from Italy and San Marino analyzed and systematized almost all available medical publications on the effects on the human body of well-known nutraceuticals – vitamins C and D, melatonin and zinc.

According to Corrao, the researchers were able to determine the dosage that could provide the desired benefits.

“For example, one to two grams of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which is a good antioxidant, should be taken daily. Vitamin D can be taken daily or once a month. In our opinion, the optimal solution seems to be a one-time use of 50,000 IU (international units) of this substance per month, and preferably on a full stomach, “the professor said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

He also advised taking 6 to 10 mg of melatonin every night. Corrao added that it should be borne in mind that it can cause drowsiness and therefore is contraindicated in some categories of citizens. Taking about 50 mg of pure zinc per day, the scientist noted, will help the immune system fight viruses. However, Corrao warned that this trace mineral gradually accumulates in the body, so after three months it is recommended to reduce the daily dose to 25 mg.

The scientist added that we are talking about the therapeutic use of these substances, which have a variety of effects on the body.

“For example, I can only say that taking them will lead to a decrease in the concentration of C-reactive protein, an increase in which is an indicator of inflammation and is characteristic of COVID,” the professor said.

Corrao also said that eating fruits and vegetables containing the same minerals and vitamins is not a substitute for taking these nutraceuticals. The professor advised using a combination of at least two of these active substances, but since we are talking about therapy, it is better to take them under the supervision of a doctor.

At the end of February, it was reported that Japanese scientists from the University of Hiroshima had found that a lack of vitamin B6 was complicating the course of the coronavirus.